Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Time for GYMNASTICS...I think we found something that Sequoyah LOVES!!! The only problem is that Adonyah is her shadow. When we go to gymnastics Adonyah will cry because she wants to go with Koya. We will then to upstairs to observe and she yells Koya! Koya! Koya! until she waves to us. I am amazed at how close these girls are.
It is way too dark to see how DIRTY Isaiah is after his first mud hole soccer game! Wow, I have learned a hard lesson about white clothes for soccer days, but it was well worth it! He sure is good at every sport he plays, and really enjoys it! Tonight he had practice and one boy was sad that he was not a good player...and Isaiah was giving him a pep talk that it was only practice ... some times we make goals, and some times we miss. I know where he has heard that from, and I am glad that he listened ... or at least applied it to someone else.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I'm so glad you found us! I can't believe how big your kids are and mini-Tennilles. So cute! It will be fun to follow what you're doing. Good to hear from you.