A lot has gone on over the last week...or so. We had our ultrasound on the baby and discovered that it is a GIRL! We are very excited. Isaiah has figured out that I get to take care of Tennille, Dragon (Dog) gets to take care of Sequoyah and Adonyah and Isaiah gets to take care of the baby. Now we are thinking of some names.
Halloween was a lot of fun. We went trick-or-treating on the LAWN...on campus at the student dorms. The kids had a blast. We still have a lot of candy if anyone needs any.
We finally got our heater fixed. It hasn't worked since March/April of this year. We have been using space heaters and our fireplace. They worked great for us. However, since it has been fixed, we have not needed it due to the warm temperatures. We cut our own firewood and split it last weekend. If any of you have split large cedar logs....I feel for you. I have never split any wood that has been so time consuming and difficult. It took me close to an hour to split sections of a log about 8 feet long before cutting. We have many hours of burning time ahead of us this year now.